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group therapy

Click the button below to find out all the information about the group therapy programs we run at Triangle Cognitive Therapy.

What is group therapy?

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that takes place with a small group of people. Groups are formed with those of a similar age or a common issue. Groups are sometimes designed with a curriculum or psycho-educational focus. These groups are generally time-limited with the goal of improving skills surrounding communication, coping or peer socialization. Other groups are more open-ended and designed to help you build a support network and address chronic negative patterns.  


Sometimes there is a perception that group therapy is less effective, or may even add to one's stress. Statements like "It's not for me" or "Listening to other people's problems is just going to make me more stressed out" are common misconceptions about how the group therapy process works.


Although group therapy is a different type of cognitive treatment than individual therapy, it is equally, if not more, beneficial for many who participate. Often individuals emerge from a positive group experience with new interpersonal skills and abilities. Group work also helps individuals expand their ability for self-expression and emotional assertiveness.



Group Therapy Helps you realize you're not alone


For a lot of people, it is very difficult to reach out for help. It is

especially challenging when our problems are centered around

emotional issues. Negative thoughts like "I'm fine, it's not like I'm

dying" or "Other people have much bigger problems than me",  

create obstacles to seek out group therapy. We end up feeling

alone and even more helpless on how to address our problems.


While it’s true that each of us is unique and may have unique

circumstances, none of us are alone in our struggles.  

We can all understand the experience of feeling anxiety, or

sadness, or excitement regardless of what triggered this feeling.

In a group setting, others can validate your thinking and feelings

and can identify similarities in their own lives.  



Group Therapy Helps you build peer support


One of the goals for a group is to develop a positive social support network. We can't time our worst moments or our need for support during regular business hours. Our therapists work very hard to be available, but there might be times when it might be difficult to reach us. When you are involved in a group, you increase that support from one person to maybe five other people who can help you get through those tough moments. In group therapy, members are encouraged to turn to each other for support, feedback, and connection. Your new friends from the group can not only help you through the worst crisis, but they can hang out, spend time or try new activities with you.


Group therapy helps you gain resources


One of the many benefits of group therapy is that it provides an opportunity for you to practice verbalizing and exploring your emotions with others in your group. It will also improve your listening skills and communicate your understanding of how others are feeling.  We know that sounds daunting, but being in a group setting actually helps to build effective communication tools to use both inside and outside of the group therapy setting. Group therapy also lends itself to creative activities and exercises designed to build skills or gain insight. Art and music activities are easily incorporated into a group curriculum that can be very helpful in personal expression for some. Building and practicing a wide array of social skills and techniques occurs much quicker in group therapy than in individual therapy because group members are practicing new tools as they learn them.


group therapy is cost-effective


In group therapy, there are often one or two therapists for a small

group of around six to eight people. This means that group therapy

is much more cost-effective, both for you and for us. Unlike in

individual therapy, where there is one therapist per person, in group

therapy, the therapist(s) can devote their time to a much larger

group of people as the group members help each other. This,

therefore, reduces the cost of group therapy

for each individual member.  


Group therapy at triangle cognitive therapy


We strongly believe in the benefits of group therapy and are therefore excited to announce that we are offering this modality of treatment at Triangle Cognitive Therapy.  We want you to participate in one of our groups or join one that is currently in development. We have groups designed for both adults and adolescents in time-limited and ongoing formats.  


Information about payment options, attendance, and cancellation policies can be found on the Practice Information page. If you have further questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch with us or call Dr Carrie Sollin at (516) 208-3792 ext. 22.


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Rockville Centre

119 N Park Ave #306, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 

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400 Post Ave, Suite 100, Westbury,
NY 11590

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